EDCI 339 – Introduction

Feature photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Hello all and welcome to my blog! I’m Abby, I’m currently studying Sociology at UVIC. This year I am entering my second official year, with some extra transfer credits from my first university experience in Ontario (where I’m from). I am considering a minor in technology and society. With the prevalence of online learning in this post-covid age, I am keen to learn more about ways to make this style of learning as accessible and interactive as possible.

Open learning gives way to more accessible learning. As someone who values education and recognizes that many people face financial barriers that limit their access to education, I can see how open education could offer opportunities to limit these barriers. In addition to narrowing the financial gap, open learning provides accesible education to those who may face physical, geographical, and time barriers.

Hila Azadzoy shares a personal story that demonstrates the barriers that millions of people face when seeking higher education. Azadzoy addresses the limited capacity of universities and promotes the use of technology and digitalization to decrease the barriers. This course takes on a deeper meaning when hearing personal stories like Hila Azadzoy’s and understanding the opportunities that open learning can create for individuals who may have not had the opportunity to be a part of higher education.

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